Delaware Specifications & Guidelines

The State of Delaware Department of Transportation

DelDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Revision #2 - June 2022

831.3.5 (C) Open Cut Installation

"Place backfill material in level lifts of loose material, no greater than 8 inches. Compact the lifts in accordance with Section 207. Install underground warning tape over the conduit approximately 12 inches below the final grade. Compact the final lift of fill material to the planned final grade. Patch open trenches in accordance with Section 402 for bituminous pavements or Section 503 for rigid pavements."

> Open Specification Document

831.3.6 (B) Unpaved Trench Installation

"Place backfill material in level lifts of loose material, no greater than 8 inches. Compact the lifts in accordance with Section 207. Install underground warning tape over the conduit approximately 12 inches below the final grade. Compact the final lift of fill material to the planned final grade. Apply topsoil and seed t o the disturbed area in accordance with Section 908."

> Open Specification Document

1032.1 (I) Conduit, Material Requirements, Warning Tape

"Conduit Warning Tape:
1. 6-inches wide.
2. Minimum thickness of 3 mils.
3. 500% elongation.
4. Tape identifying fiber optic cable:
    a. Color – bright orange (AULCC orange).
     b. Text on label that reads 'WARNING – OPTICAL CABLE.'
5. Tape identifying all other cables:
     a. Color – bright red.
     b. Text on label that reads 'WARNING – BURIED ELECTRIC BELOW.'"

> Open Specification Document

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