installation guides

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Signaltape® Underground Warning Tape

High-strength underground warning tape engineered to pull to the surface when encountered in excavation. Available in locatable and non-locatable versions.
Diagram of how Signaltape works

Trenchtape™ Underground Warning Tape

Featuring Signaltape® Technology, this 20" trench wide tape is designed to provide mechanical protection to larger lines.
Graphic depicting the product performance of Trenchtape (TM) Underground Warning Tape

Tracetape® Detectable marking Tape

Detectable marking tape composed of two layers of woven film and jacketed tracer wire.
Diagram of Tracetape location method

Boretrace® Detectable Marking Tape

Detectable marker tape design for directional boring applications. Engineered to protect the embedded jacketed tracer wire from abrasion and breaks.
Illustration depicting the HDD installation process of Boretrace™ Detectable Marking Tape

3M™ Pathmarking TapeS

Revolutionizing underground utility location through the use of RF technology. Markers are embedded every 8 feet between two layers of durable film with the optional inclusion of para-aramid fiber.
Diagram of 3M Warning Tape 7900 Series location method

Channeltape™ Utility Identification sleeve

By increasing visibility, Channeltape™ helps to prevent accidents that can lead to costly repairs and downtime for temporary above ground lines.
Diagram showing fiber optic protection sleeve creating attention from lawn mower to prevent damage.


Nondetectable marker tape composed of one layer of our premium woven film. Custom printed to order.
Diagram of markingtape


Premium woven caution tape for aboveground marking applications. Custom printed to order.
Diagram of barricadetape
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3M Authorized ManufacturerMade in USA of US and Imported Parts