Alaska Specifications & Guidelines

Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities

ADOTPF Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, 2020 Edition

627-3.01 Water System, Construction Requirements

"... Excavate, bore, or probe by hand ahead of your work where necessary to determine the exact location of underground conduit or other features that might interfere with construction. Support and protect conduits or other services that cross the trench. Immediately repair or replace any existing utilities that you break or damage. Immediately replace any existing valves, valve boxes, or water lines that you break or damage.

Notify the local Fire Department at least 24 hours before removing or interrupting service to fire hydrants.

Give at least 24 hours’ notice before interrupting water service to any area. Restore disrupted water service as soon as possible, or make temporary service connections. Use hoses or other suitable methods.

If your operations cause service interruptions, you are responsible for all damages. ...

Where water mains under this contract approach within 10 feet horizontal clearance and are below or less than 3 feet above existing sanitary sewers, encase the sanitary sewer with a jacket of Class W concrete 3 inches thick for 10 feet on each side of the crossings, as shown on the Plans.

Concrete encasement is not required if the existing sewer is constructed of ductile iron pipe with joints at least 8 feet from the water main, or if you replace the existing sewer with such ductile iron pipe."

> Open Specification Document

660-3.03 14 Signals and Lighting, Construction Requirements, Conduit

"Mark all conduit with a continuous strip of polyethylene marker tape that is 4 mils thick and 6 inches wide. Mark the tape with a black legend on a red background and bury it 9inches (±3 inches) below the finished grade. Lay two strips of marker tape side-by-side under all road crossings.”

> Open Specification Document

Qualified Products List

Signaltape® Underground Warning Tape listed on QPL

> Open Alaska DOT&PF QPL

Call Before You Dig

Alaska Digline, Inc (811 Alaska)

Call: 811 (Local) or Statewide: 800-478-3121 | Anchorage: 907-278-3121 | Fairbanks: 907-459-6400


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