Nevada Specifications & Guidelines

Nevada Department of Transportation

NDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 2014

105.07 Cooperation with Utilities

"The Department will notify all utility companies, all pipeline owners, or other parties affected, and endeavor to have all necessary adjustments of the public or private utility fixtures, pipelines, and other appurtenances within the limits of construction, made as soon as practicable.

Water lines, gas lines, wire lines, service connections, water and gas meter boxes, water and gas valve boxes, light standards, cable ways, signals, and all other utility appurtenances within the limits of the proposed construction which are to be relocated or adjusted are to be moved by the owners at their expense, except as otherwise provided for in the Special Provisions or as noted on the plans.

Possible underground facilities may exist that are not known to the State or in a location different from that which are shown on the plans or in the Special Provisions. Take steps to ascertain the exact location of all underground facilities before doing work that may damage such facilities or interfere with their service. The locating of underground facilities is the sole responsibility of the Contractor. No reliance may be placed upon the location of underground facilities as noted on the plans.

Where it is determined by the Engineer that the rearrangement of an underground facility, the existence of which is not shown on the plans or in the Special Provisions, is essential in order to accommodate the highway improvement, the rearrangement of such facility will be provided for by other forces or by the Contractor as extra work as provided in Subsection 104.03.

Any delays to the Contractor’s operations as a direct result of utility or other nonhighway facilities not being rearranged as herein provided (other than delays in connection with rearrangements made to facilitate construction operations) will be considered right of way delays within the meaning of Subsection 108.12.

Compensation for such delay will be determined according to Subsection 108.12, and no further compensation will be allowed therefore. See Subsection 107.17."

> Open Specification Document

107.17 Contractor's Responsibility for Utility Property and Service

"Where operations are adjacent to properties of Railroad, utility or television cable companies, or are adjacent to other property, damage to which might result in considerable expense, loss, or inconvenience, do not commence work until all arrangements necessary for the protection thereof have been made.

Do not begin any operations which may interfere with or impair the normal service being rendered by public or private utility operators, until such operators have been notified. Cooperate with the owners of any underground or overhead utility lines in their removal and rearrangement operations in order that these operations may progress in a reasonable manner, and that duplication of rearrangement work may be reduced to a minimum, and that services rendered by those parties will not be unnecessarily interrupted. Be responsible for the protection of the property of public or private utilities within the limits of the work. 

In general, repair and adjustment of street structures such as pipe lines, services, telephone, and electric lines, above or below the ground, will be made by the owners thereof. When included in the proposal, the adjustment of sewer manhole frames and covers, inlets and catch basin frames and covers and the like, will be within the Contractor’s responsibility. See that they are adjusted to conform to the lines, grades, and typical cross sections as shown on the plans, or as prescribed, even in the repairs and the roughing-in work were performed by others. 

Maintain pipes or other construction in continuous service as far as practicable and properly protect and support. Do not interrupt water service outside of working hours. 

At all times allow the fire department access to fire hydrants. Do not place materials or other obstructions closer to a fire hydrant that permitted by ordinances, rules, or regulations or within 4.5 m (15 ft) of the fire hydrant in the absence of such ordinances, rules, or regulations.  

Give notice in writing to the proper authorities in charge of streets, gas, water pipes, electric and other conduits, Railroads, poles, manholes, catch basins, and all other property that may be affected by the operations, not less than 2 working days, but not more than 14 days before breaking ground. 

In the event of interruption to water or utility services as a result of accidental breakage, promptly notify the proper authority. Cooperate with said authority in the restoration of service as promptly as possible. 

Utility installations shown on the plans are located according to best information obtained by the Department; however, consider it normal and expected that elevations and alignment of said utilities may vary from that shown on the plans, and also that utilities may be encountered that are not shown on the plans. The Contractor is solely responsible for ascertaining the actual location of all utility installations prior to beginning any excavation or other construction activity which may affect any utility installation. Consider it normal and expected that utilities will prove to be an impediment to the operations and that use of other than the usual equipment and construction methods in accomplishing the necessary work over, around, or under such utility installations may be necessary. 

Locate and properly protect all utility installations. Repair all utility installations that are damaged by, or due to operations or negligence. 

See Subsection 105.07. 

Contact 'UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT' not less than 2 working days, but not more than 14 days, before starting any excavation. Contract by telephone and comply with all instructions so received. The toll free numbers is 1-800-227-2600. 

If any underground facility must be located or adjusted for construction operations and its location is different from that shown on the plans, additional compensation may be received. This compensation will be for the difference between the cost incurred in finding the actual location of the facility and the costs of finding the reputed location of the facility and will be paid for as extra work."

> Open Specification Document

NDOT Standard Plans for Road and Bridge Construction, 2020

623 TG-5 Traffic Conduit Trenching Detail

> Open Drawing

623 TG-15 No. 7 Pull Box Modified

> Open Drawing

623 TG-16 ITS Conduit and ITS Vault

> Open Drawing

623 ITS-25B Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) Installation Detail

> Open Drawing

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